Curry Paste (Tom Yam, Rendang, Meat Curry, Vegetable )

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Meat curry paste


Lemongrass, galangal, turmeric, mixed curry powder, selected spices, curry leaves, vegetable oil, salt, sugar.


400ml water
5 slices vegetarian meat fillets or others vegetarian meat products
2 potatoes (cubed)
100g long beans (cut into pieces)
100g cabbage
50g fried bean curd puff
50ml coconut milk (optional)

Cooking method:


1. Boil 400ml water, add the paste. Stir well to mix for 1 minute.
2. Add all the ingredients into pot. Simmer it for 7 minutes or until cooked. Add in 50ml coconut milk as prefers. Serve hot.


Tomyam Paste 



Lemongrass, galangal, torch ginger, chili, kaffir lime leaves, vegetable oil, assam juice, salt, sugar, sorbic acid.



400ml water
400g vegetarian seafood
2 tomatoes (cubed)
6 lady fingers
10 mushrooms
1 torch ginger flower
3-5 kaffir lime leaves
5 chilies

Cooking method:


1. Boil 400ml water, add the paste. Stir well to mix for 1 minute.
2. Add the above ingredients, cook for 7 minutes or until cooked. Serve hot.

Rendang curry paste 


Vegetable oil, vegetarian curry powder, chili, lemongrass, galangal, turmeric, ginger, salt, turmeric leaf, sugar.Vegetable curry paste 2.50


200ml water
300g vegetarian mutton
2 potatoes (cubed)
50g shredded coconut
200ml thick coconut milk
1-2 pcs Kaffir lime leaves (finely shredded)


Cooking method:

1. Stir fry the shredded coconut in the hot wok without oil over a low heat until aromatic & golden brown. Dish out.

2. Deep fry the potatoes in the hot oil until golden brown. Remove, drain well and leave aside.

3. Heat up 1 tbsp oil in the hot wok, add the paste and stir fry over a low heat for awhile. Add in vegetarian mutton and potatoes, toss well.

4. Pour in water and coconut milk, bring to the boil. Simmer over a low heat until the curry gravy is almost absorbed. Add in shredded coconut, stir fry to mix well. May add in shredded kaffir lime leaves as prefers. Serve hot.

Vegetable Curry Paste


Lemongrass, galangal, dried chilies, curry powder, selected spices, vegetable oil, salt, sugar, tamarind juice.


400ml water
5 slices vegetarian fish fillet
300g eggplant
100g long bean (cut into pieces)
5 lady finger
50g fried curd puff
80ml coconut milk (optional)

Cooking method:

1. Boil 400ml water, add the paste. Stir well to mix for 1 minute.

2. Add all the ingredients into pot, simmer for 7 minutes or until cooked. Add in 80ml coconut milk as prefers. Serve hot.